
Colombia Huila Palmera - Washed

Impressions: Nut. Brown Sugar. Caramel.

Fragrance: Caramel. Honey. Vanilla.
Aroma: Peanut Butter. Brown Sugar.
Taste: Nut. Caramel. Orange
Acidity: Medium - Melon
Sweetness: High - Honey
Finish: Caramel. Rich. Long



  • Nut
  • Brown Sugar
  • Caramel.
  • Honey
  • Vanilla.
  • Peanut Butter
  • Orange


Origin Data

Country: Colombia

Region: Huila

Mill / Co-op: Palmera

Elevation: 1500 MASL

Varieties: Caturra, Castillo, Colombia

Process: Washed


Colombia boasts hundreds of microclimates from its Caribbean coast in the north to its equatorial highlands in the south. Palmera highlights the coffee produced throughout the Huila department of the country with a clean and sweet profile that represents the work and skill of the smallholder producers who call the region home. Huila occupies the Central and Eastern ranges of the Colombian Andes, which are separated in the Department by the Magdalena River. Its geography provides a variety of climatic conditions and elevations, contributing to the range of microclimates that producers enjoy on their farms. Thanks to the terroir created by these microclimates and the nitrogen-rich soil across the coffee growing areas of the Department, coffees from Huila have an earned reputation for quality and consistency. Centered around the city of Pitalito, Huila’s coffee farms are predominately smallholder owned and over the past ten years have made consorted efforts to produce specialty coffee that reveals the full character of the region’s terroir. Selective manual harvesting, attentive processing, and careful post-harvest sorting all contribute to increasing recognition of the region.

Huila Coffee Farmer in the middle of his field
