Selected from the Top 1%

Selected from the top 1%

I Have a Bean coffee is selected from the top 1% of Arabica coffee in the world. Coffees in this class are scarce, have exceptional flavor, and are not cheap. We pursue quality and taste as the highest ideal. After all, if it doesn't taste good, "free" is too much to pay.

Roasted and Shipped today

We don't roast your coffee until AFTER you order it. Then we get it out the door that same day. We want you to taste the freshest coffee possible.

A coffee cherry

-Pure coffee - Nothing added

We only sell 100% pure Arabica coffee that has not been doctored in any way. No chemicals, no additives, no flavorings of any kind whatsoever. There are no nuts, or honey, or chocolate, or berries nor anything else in any of our coffees. It's just "pure coffee."

No risk
no hassle
Gonna Love it

We stand behind our products 100% and we stand with you and your satisfaction 100%. If you don’t love it just send an email or give us a call anytime Mon - Fri 8:00 am to 6:00 pm Central. 630-384-9657 We’ll make it right.

Nobody should have to settle for so-so coffee.

Too many people settle for low quality coffee without realizing it. Coffee that relies on cream, sugar, or artificial flavorings to "taste good", just isn't. Truly good coffee tastes amazing all by itself. We all know that.

So we created a roasting company to delight coffee lovers, and entice coffee drinkers into the same delicious experience that we get to enjoy every day. (oh yeah, that's us in the pic!)

You deserve a coffee experience

We source and roast beans from the top 1% of the coffee in the world so you can have the best there is.

Customers tell us all the time that we've ruined their taste for any other coffee.
(Sorry. Not sorry!)

Word on the street

(Yup. Real people really wrote these.)

Get the best coffee you've ever experienced in Three easy steps:

I think there are some things that are worth suffering through: Birthing a baby. The airport experience before a flight to Ireland. Breaking in a new pair of hiking shoes. A cup of bad coffee? Nope! No reason to suffer through that.

Our team is so proud of what we're doing that we sign and date every bag by hand. Taste our coffee and you'll understand why.
