
The best coffee you’ve ever experienced.
A purpose that’s even higher.

We are post-prison people who roast award winning coffee, so you can rave about both. This is a win-win! You get the best coffee possible, we get something we believed impossible: the chance for a new life.

Every order helps create jobs for people like us: people who have earned our release from prison and need a second chance. The way we're living today is evidence of the powerful reality of redemption.

I Have a Bean gives us a chance to show that our past mistakes do not dictate our present value. Here, we’ve been given the gift of doing good work that contributes to human flourishing. It’s something we never dreamed we’d get.

(Veni Bibi Vici? I came, I drank, I conquered!)


"As a company and as human beings, our dream today is that men and women will not be preemptively judged by the errors of our past, but that we will be known instead by the present evidence of content of our character.

Through the quality of our product, the dedication of our employees, and the passion with which we carry out our work, we live in evidence of the powerful reality of redemption."

Sound familiar? We honor the ideals of equality for which Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. lived. We believe in the biblical call to treat others the way we want to be treated. Although we will be the first to admit that we've made mistakes in the past, we are not the same person now.

We hope that the proof of our transformation is made clear to all by the evidence of how we're living today.

Different in every way

I Have a Bean operates differently than you might expect. We're not raising funds for a worthy project, we're not asking for a donation in exchange for a trinket or ticket to a dinner.

As a for profit company we are serious about producing outstanding coffee so that you'll buy it again and again. When you do that you are part of the team that changes lives. We can't thank you enough for your purchase!
